Monday, January 21, 2008

Deep Thinking, Deep Living.

For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. (1 Timothy 4:8)

How will I?:

Hmm...godliness. I feel like that word is kind of way out there, almost to a point where it is impossible to reach. I mean it has to be if it has value for all things! Sometimes I find myself at a point where I feel like I'm succesfully doing everything right- -when I see purpose in everything and anything. Those days feel good. Then there are those days when I kind of diverge- -stumble and fall. Ugh. Those are the times when I just think- -man, I was doing so well, and I had to ruin it- -now, I have to go back to square one. So, It's back to reconditioning, GRrreatttttt! We all know that its never fun to start all over again when you've come so far.

It's kind of funny to me that I never stop to think of the abounding grace that allows me to go back to square one. What if he never gave me a clean slate? What it God wasn't a God of reconciliation? I mean, he is God, so he can pretty much take the second chance option away from us, BUT he doesn't!! Instead, he lets me learn from those blips and allows me to grow stronger. I can attest to this. After I got hurt from running- -I knew that it would be a pain to recondition. Square one...bleh. Although, I had to slowly build up to where I had been- -it only took about 2 months for me to go back to the norm. Not only was I back to where I was before, but I was much stronger. To get to that point I had to struggle, practice, and consistently try to get better. That holds true to those times that I'm back to square one in my daily walk trying to go back to where I was before. One day there will be no square one because it will cease to be necessary. One day all of that reconditioning will take me to the point where I'm truly living deeply, wholeheartedly beating for him.

Ear Concoction <3
1. Yearn- Shane & Shane
2. Learning to Breathe- Switchfoot
3. Who I am hates who I've been-Relient K

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