Monday, February 11, 2008

Al oir tu dulce voz.
So I'm writing this in my pre-study break meaning I haven't even begun my studying! Anywho, I was just thinking about some things that I've been learning about in these past few days. It's been a mixture of Deuteronomy & God's grace and mercy, Giving, and Love. All three of those things can no doubt be tied together but I've been learning about them in distinct places. I'll focus on giving.

God is constantly reminding us to die to ourselves. Why? So that we give and give until there is absolutely nothing left. All those things that we hold dear should be "rubbish" compared to knowing him. If we know him then we know that God's wish for us is to pursue the matters that interest him the most! and what is that? John 3:16. He came for those who are lost. Those who have been saved and redeemed are responsible to help God with that mission. We are called to be fishers of men, a light in the darkness, hope in the midst of chaos. I can think about a million times when I am neither of these. Yet, my heart longs for my heart to be his heart. I think that the more I seek his wants for my life, the more I realize that all of my unimportant goals in life are RUBBISH. He wants me to be his vessel. He wants me to proclaim his good news, heal the brokenhearted, care for the orphans and widows. I am called to serve them. When do I start? Now! I feel like I need to be better about keeping them in my prayers, not just saying "Lord take care of the people in the third world countries"- -I need to weep for them, remember them daily- -instead of daydreaming or wondering what I'm going to do on the weekend.
Give until there is nothing left. Give my time. Give my prayers. Give my money. Give my love. Give my passions. Give my heart and soul to this cause that is so much bigger than me. I am just so excited to see how the Lord is going to use me. Lately, well actually for a while now, I've been just dreaming of working for a non-profit organization like UNICEF, working for Buckner?, Orphanage/Adoption agency. It would be perfect if this were to come true! However, I have no doubt in my mind that whatever is in store for me is nothing short of amazing. It's funny to see how my plans have drastically changed from becoming a Doctor in a private practice to working for a non-profit organization/orphanage with an undetermined salary/or even child psyc! Praise God for showing me that his plans for me will prevail. Men can make their plans, but in the end it is the Lord's plans for us that follow through.

Ear Concoction <3
Al oir tu dulce voz-Hillsong (en espanol)
Consuming Fire-Hillsong United
All who are thirsty-Kutless
Yearn-Shane & Shane.

when i think about the Lord
how He saved, how He raised me, how He filled me with the Holy Ghost, how He healed me to the uttermost
when i think about the Lord, how he picked me up turned me around
how He set my feet on solid ground
it makes me want to shout

hallelujah! thank you, Jesus! Lord, you're worthy of all the glory, and all the honor and all the praise!Hallelujah! thank you, Jesus! Lord, you're worthy of all the glory, and all the honor and all the praise!(ephesians 2:4-7, 2 corinthians 5:17)

June 27-August 4
prayers appreciated :)

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